Now You Can Worship and Praise with the Rest of the Congregation!

Brandan Fisher
5 min readJun 16, 2021

2021 has been a year that has shown us the constant nature of change and the importance of adaptation. This much has proven to be true with all things, and church worship service has been no exception.

Many churches have evolved and integrated advances of modern technology into their functionality, and it has truly transformed the way that congregations gather, interact, and deliver their message on a grander scale, and all while maintaining a sense of integrity and awareness regarding public health and safety.

One such advancement that has been quite popular among churches is none other than LIVEpigeon, a platform that allows for users to stream pre-recorded video LIVE on Facebook and YouTube.

What on Earth is LIVEpigeon?

So you have heard of streaming, right? Of course you have. Who hasn’t! Well, now imagine that you can pre-record your videos so that they are exactly as you want them, edit the sound for the highest resolution, and schedule when you want your video to stream LIVE!

I know what you’re thinking, “That sounds like a lot of complicated work!” And that, my friends, is the best part — LIVEpigeon does all the work for you so that you can enjoy the process every step of the way!

What’s more, is LIVEpigeon allows you the opportunity to spruce up your pre-recorded worship services with motion graphics and multiple camera angles, and you don’t need a ton of fancy equipment to do it! This allows for you to give your audiences a one-of-a-kind live experience that they won’t get anywhere else.

Why is LIVEpigeon the Best Option for Your Church to Broadcast Your Message?

As we touched on earlier, 2021 has been a time of massive change, and since we can no longer congregate like we used to, other means of connecting with one another are of the utmost importance to our spiritual well-being.

With LIVEpigeon, you can pre-record and schedule your worship services in advance so that you can enjoy your Sundays with your beloved in a whole new way! This isn’t to say that you wouldn’t enjoy them if you were performing with the worship team or giving a sermon, but for everyone that works to bring every Sunday to life, it can now be done in advance and scheduled ahead of time so that there is less time being spent on event coordination and more time spent in praise.

Perhaps you are thinking, “But that doesn’t seem ethical. We can’t stream worship service live if it isn’t live.” And you know what, you are right. That wouldn’t be ethical. However, that is why you don’t market it as being “live.” Instead, you let your congregation know that it is a pre-recorded worship service that will be streaming live, and thus alleviate the stress and worry of creating a false image surrounding the live stream. AND you get to free-up your schedule so that you can spend more quality time praising God with the people you adore the most.

How Does LIVEpigeon Help You Deliver Your Message?

We have already covered a lot, and we are going to cover some more. Considering that you can schedule your streams in advance, edit the sound for the highest resolution, utilize multiple camera angles, add motion graphics, and all with little-to-no tech background, LIVEpigeon is a no-brainer for those who want to stay relevant with the internet of things and have more free time.

With more free time and energy, you can pour more love into your worship service or craft a brilliantly touching sermon without worrying about something going awry on Sunday morning. Sure, it isn’t the same as hearing your brothers and sisters singing in the crowd with their arms raised and a palpable faith resting in the air like a rose garden, or when you crack a joke and everyone joins you in a moment of comedic relief, but that doesn’t change what it is at the heart of it all: worship.

It may not be the same that it once was, but then again, nothing ever is. LIVEpigeon offers a new way of going about Sunday service, and it truly can assist you in achieving a greater sense of creative freedom that you may have never known when it comes to Sundays.

How to Use LIVEpigeon in 4 Simple Steps

So, I’ve blathered on enough about how great LIVEpigeon is and all the ways that it can benefit your congregation, but you are probably ready to hear about how simple the process actually is. Let’s get into it!

Step 1: Go to

First, goto When you get to the site, you will notice that there is an option for a 14-day free trial. Don’t let the price points scare you, as you can stream as much as possible for two weeks to see if it is for you! And I can assure you, that the free trial will speak for itself in spades.

Not only is there a 14-day free trial, but your first video is completely free! It’s as simple as creating an account and uploading your video.

Step 2: Upload Your Video

Second, it’s time to upload your video. Uploading your video to Dropbox or Google Drive first will drastically improve the uploading process since it is a cloud-based service, so definitely consider that.

Select your video, create your title, and add your description, and your video will be uploaded in no time! At this point, you may notice some price points popping up…don’t let them scare you off! Since you are a first-time user and are enrolling in the 14-day free trial, these prices will not apply to you right away.

When the video is finished uploading, go to the checkout. At this point, you should have already created your account, but if you haven’t, this will be the place to do it as well. Once your account is set up, then your fee will be waived and your video will be ready to go…for free!

Step 3: Select Your Facebook Page or Group

Alright, you have uploaded your video, added your title and description, created your account, waived your fee, and now it is time to determine who is all going to enjoy your pre-recorded worship service!

It’s always best to stream to a Facebook group or page that you are an admin of, which for your church shouldn’t be an issue. However, if you are streaming to other church pages and groups that you aren’t an admin of, it is best to request permission before streaming to ensure that you don’t step on anyone’s toes.

Once you determine where it is going to share, you simply click the button to go live! It is that easy!


LIVEpigeon is a must-have for any church that is looking to expand their outreach and stay relevant during these rather strange times. Connection is at the core of the human experience, and if you can manage to create events that bring people together and are still able to engage and interact with those participating in your LIVE feed, then you are honoring the very nature of what it is to be human. So, I think the most important question to ask yourself is, “What do we have to lose?” It could be the best free trial you have ever had!



Brandan Fisher

“The man who is changing LIVEs!” with LIVE video. Helping influencers and marketers find their voice through LIVE video, and making it easier for them.